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Weight-loss series: Factors other than Food& Exercise

Sleep deprivation can sabotage weight loss.How?
Circadian rhythm.It is a biological internal 24hr clock that has a control center in the hypothalamus part of brain and it regulates sleep-wake cycles,hunger timings,heart rates,hormones and enzyme secretions.
If the sleep timings are not according to the circadian rhythm ,the metabolism will not function properly.

Stress is directly linked to hormone cortisol which is an anabolic hormone.It directly stores fat and has indirect action through insulin,it raises insulin level which results in drop in blood sugar which leads to sugar cravings/hunger.
*Meditation really works!!
*Chamomile tea in afternoon or at bed time is a good stress buster.

Medical conditions like hypothyroidism (lack of thyroxin),polycystic ovarian syndrome(insulin resistance),cushing syndrome(cortisol excess) ,diabetes mellitus(insulin deficiency/resistance),excess estrogen are obvious culprits for weight gain.
Leptin is a hormone of energy expenditure.It regulates energy balance by inhibiting hunger.As leptin increases metabolic rate increases and appetite is suppressed.Leptin resistance is also a cause for weight gain.

Liver is the powerhouse of body metabolism,detoxification and digestion(production of bile).Long standing toxic lifestyle can overburden the liver or cause fatty liver which interferes with digestion and breakdown of dietary fat.
So to keep that in check,avoid processed/preserved/canned/frozen ready to eat food/microwaveable ready to eat packet meals/unnecessary self medications(because it all passes through liver i.e first pass metabolism)

Long standing unhealthy eating habits (especially polyunsaturated fats from canola,soybean,refined vegetable oils etc) adversely affect the gut flora( good bacteria) and promote inflammation and weight gain.No matter how healthy we eat if the gut is not absorbing the nutrients then what's the point!
That is where the recommendation for use of probiotic comes in! But before that get the basics right,get into high fiber foods,avoid processed foods,use naturally fermented food(yogurt, sauerkraut,kimchi),kombucha

Deficiency of vit D,vit B12,iron, magnesium are linked to weight gain.

It is a vicious cycle weight gain>depression>comfort food/reduced physical activity>more wt gain>more depression>antidepressants>further weight gain!!

Birth control pills,anti-depressants,steroids have weight gain side effects.

High sodium intake,kidney related diseases,sedentary lifestyle(gravity pulls the blood down,the pressure inside the vessels can leak fluid into lower body spaces), hormone or medication related retention.
*Epsom salt dissolved in warm water is a good remedy to correct it.
*Dandelion tea is also advised to get rid of it.
*Vit b6 and potassium intake also helps.

These might act like hormones as they enter the body and wreck the metabolic process.It cannot be avoided entirely but washing the fruits and veggies properly can wash out much of the toxins sprayed on them.

The high dose hormones/steroids injected for rapid growth in chickens is a factor that affects our own hormones as we eat the meat.Eat organic free-range chicken as much as possible.


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